- European Higher Education Area - EHEA
- View 56 institutions with 195 reports
Governmental membershipNorway has been a Governmental Member of EQAR since June 2008.
General information on higher education
Higher education is provided at universities, specialised university institutions, university colleges, university colleges of arts, other public university colleges not under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Research, and private higher education institutions.
Higher education is offered at the three cycle degree system, with the exception of a number of short cycle study programmes.
The regulation governing quality assurance and quality development in higher education and tertiary vocational education is set down in the Regulation no. 96, of February 2010 .
National external quality assurance requirements
Higher education in Norway fall into different external QA requirements as follows:
• universities and specialised university institution have the authority to self-accredit at all levels.
• university colleges may self-accredit their first cycle (BA). If university colleges had their third cycle accredited (PhD) they can also accredit their second cyle (MA) within their doctoral fields.
• university colleges without institutional accreditation must have all their educational provisions accredited.
Initial institutional accreditation
gives universities and colleges certain rights to award national degrees or diplomas. -
Programme accreditation
required for non-accredited university colleges on all levels and for university colleges or specialised university institutions that wish to establish a new doctoral or master programme outside their doctoral fields. -
carried out at least once in 8 years. The right to self-accredit programmes is conditional upon a positive evaluation of the higher education institution's internal QA system (audit).
EHEA key commitment
Fully aligned with the ESG
A fully functioning quality assurance system is in operation nationwide, in which all higher education institutions are subject to regular external quality assurance by an agency that has successfully demonstrated compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA (ESG) through registration on EQAR
Cross-border quality assurance
Not recognising foreign agencies as part of the national external QA requirements
European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes
European Approach available to some higher education institutions or only under specific conditions
The European Approach is available to institutions not subject to programme accreditation.
Map: availability of the European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes
Further information
Registered agencies operating in Norway
NOKUT - Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education 2013 - View 56 institutions with 178 reports
AQAS - Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programmes 2008 - View 1 institutions with 1 reports
AQU - Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency 2008 - View 1 institutions with 1 reports
EAEVE - European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education 2018 - View 1 institutions with 2 reports
NVAO - Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders 2008 - View 2 institutions with 7 reports
Unibasq - Agency for Quality of the Basque University System 2014 - View 1 institutions with 3 reports
ZEvA - Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency 2008 - View 1 institutions with 3 reports