Organisational Development and Finances
All 49 signatory countries of the Bologna Process can become governmental member of EQAR. No new members joined EQAR in 2022, which means that 41 countries* are involved in the overall governance of EQAR.
*In the past we have sometimes counted the number of of governmental members (in stead of countries). This can lead to a higher number if the country is divided into two (or more) separate entities, as is the case for Belgium and will be the case for the UK. Henceforth, in order to avoid confusion, we will therefore speak of the number of countries that are governmental member.
Members’ Dialogues
Exceptionally, due to the extended external evaluation time-line, there were two Members’ Dialogues in 2022: one virtual MD in February, to discuss the evaluation results and one physical MD in Prague in December, about embracing current and future trends.
Statutory bodies
The 2022 EQAR General Assembly was held in Strasbourg on 13 April in conjunction with the BFUG meeting. The GA was hosted by the Council of Europe, with support of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union as well as the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
Apart from the yearly recurring agenda items such as the annual accounts, the budget, the work plan and the annual report, there were two other issues under consideration:
- The war on Ukraine and the status of Russia in the EHEA
The GA took note of the statement published by EQAR in reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the recommendations addressed to EQAR-registered agencies and considered the consequences for EQAR of the BFUG suspension of the rights of representation of both Russia and Belarus in the EHEA. - The follow-up on the External Evaluation of EQAR
The GA gave feedback to the Register Committee’s proposed amendments to the Procedures for Applications (expediting the process and clarifying Substantive Change Reports) and adopted the amendments to the Appeals Procedure.
Read more about the 18th General Assembly in the relevant news item
The following elections took place:
- Selection Committee for the EQAR President
The GA appointed Belgium (French Community), Croatia, Lithuania and Ukraine as governmental representatives on the selection committee for the EQAR President 2023-2026 - Executive Board
The General Assembly elected an Executive Board for a term until the GA of 2024. John Edwards (EURASHE) was newly elected, Goran Daković (ENQA) and Jakub Grodecki* (ESU) were re-elected and Maria Kelo (EUA) was co-opted.
* Jakub Grodecki then resigned at the end of August and was succeeded by Horia Onita (co-opted)
According to the agreed annual rotation, the Executive Board assumed the following functions (until the 2023 GA), with Karl Dittrich as President:
- Re-elected: Goran Dakovic (ENQA) – Vice-President
- Newly elected: John Edwards (EURASHE) – Treasurer
See under Annexes “EQAR data” the full composition of the various EQAR bodies in 2022.

Blazhe Todorovski joined the Secretariat as Policy and Project Officer in October. He supports the Register (analysis of applications and change reports, reviewing and updating information, guidance of agencies) and does project related work and desk research.
The total Secretariat staff at the end of 2022 was 5,4 FTE.
The year 2022 resulted in a deficit of EUR 23 222,33, which was anticipated as a result of significant inflation and resulting increasing staff costs (automatic indexation in Belgium), while an adjustment of membership fees only comes into force in the financial year 2023.
EQAR relies on a diverse funding base including annual contributions from its members (governments and European stakeholder organisations), application and listing fees paid by quality assurance agencies and occasional project grants, which currently are the Erasmus+ funding for the DEQAR CONNECT Project, QA FIT, IMINQA and the TPG LRC CoRE Projects.
Assets | Liabilities and Equity | ||
Fixed assets | 7 537,34 | Own funds | 229 907,51 |
Immaterial assets | 675,00 | Profit/loss previous years | 58 129,89 |
Office equipment | 6 714,68 | Result per 31/12/2022 | -2 722,38 |
Guarantees | 147,66 | Reserves | 174 500,00 |
Liquid assets | 367 745,21 | Liabilities | 145 375,04 |
Receivables up to 1 year | 101 564,89 | Payables up to 1 year | 145 375,04 |
Cash and term accounts | 257 068,33 | thereof: pre-financing EU grants | 23 156,83 |
Adjustment accounts | 9 111,99 | Adjustment accounts | 0,00 |
Total | 375 282,55 | Total | 375 282,55 |
Income | Expenditure | |||
Operational income | 510 386,59 | Operational expenditure | 531 975,27 | |
Membership fees | 350 992,00 | Meetings | 76 440,00 | |
Agency fees | 75 250,00 | Project direct costs | 15 336,12 | |
Project income | 75 895,75 | Office and administration | 59 318,10 | |
Other income | 8 248,84 | Staff | 331 681,24 | |
Other costs (incl. external evaluation) | 49 199,81 | |||
Operational result | -21 588,68 | |||
Financial income | 584,26 | Financial costs and taxes | 2 217,96 | |
Total result | -23 222,38 | |||
Withdrawal from reserves | 20 500 | Allocation to reserves | 0,00 | |
Result to be reported | -2 722,38 |
- Financial accounts (detail)
- Auditor’s Report