EQAR’s 2024 Annual Report serves as an informative, complete and, dare I say, reassuring account of our work. Amid the changes within the Secretariat in 2024 and the resulting challenges, as well as the budgetary constraints, the work continued steadfastly and diligently.
The Annual Report provides an insight into the workings of the Register Committee, which remains committed to upholding the two fundamental pillars of quality assurance: accountability and enhancement.
In 2024, two quality assurance agencies were newly admitted to the Register and 13 agencies had their applications renewed. Although the ESG compliance level achieved by applicant agencies vastly differs, it is worth noting that over one-third of reviews raised concerns regarding the independence of the agencies.
The Register Committee updated the Use and Interpretation of the ESG, to share our collective learning from over 50 applications reviewed since the last revision. This document was finalised after extensive consultation with all relevant actors and can provide guidance to agencies and interested parties when preparing for reviews. The document aims to increase transparency, understanding and consistency within the decision-making process of the Register Committee and serves as an ex ante transparency of the official EQAR interpretation of the ESG.
2024 was also the year in which DEQAR published its 100,000th report! Beyond this remarkable achievement, consultation figures confirm that DEQAR is increasingly successful not only as a transparency tool but also as a recognition tool. In March 2024, DEQAR expanded its scope and launched a new system, allowing all EQAR-registered agencies to upload reports on EQA micro credentials and alternative providers/other providers.
Using its experience and in-depth knowledge of quality assurance and higher education systems, EQAR contributes to shaping broader European Higher Education Area (EHEA) policies and strategy, among others through the EHEA working structures, as well as to other relevant European policy developments, following closely its plan of work. EQAR is a member in the Steering Committee for the Revision of the ESG and the European Approach for Joint Programmes, due in the Spring of 2027.
Finally, our accounts for 2024 with a surplus of >60 000 EUR, confirm the organisational resilience of EQAR, reflecting our ability to continue shaping a transparent and trusted EHEA for the benefit of all.
My heartfelt thanks go to Aleksandar, Annelies, Blazhe, Giorgi, Pooja and Sandra for making EQAR as strong and respected as ever and for putting this report together.