EQAR Members’ Dialogue/EQUIP Focus Group in Praha
The seventh edition of the Members’ Dialogue/EQUIP Focus Group was held in Prague, hosted by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
This year, exceptionally, because of the EQUIP Focus Group, all EHEAcountries were invited.
The keynote presentationsfocussed on the main challenges in assuring and improving quality in Europe from three different perspectives; of the European Commission, the German Länder and Poland.
The EQUIP Focus Group part of the event examined the challenges in QArelated to meeting the expectations of the ESG identified within the EQUIP project. After a presentation of the preliminary EQUIP Study results, participants were invited for a Word Café session (five thematic tables, facilitated by five different experts, which participants would visit successively). This was then concluded by a plenary session, summarising the lessons learned from the World Café, followed by an open discussion on recommendations for developing higher education through the use of the ESG.
Other topics of the Members’ Dialogue were the Discussion on the EQARStrategy 2018-2022, the Presentation and Discussion on Approach to External QA and Other Activities by Registered Agencies.