Karl Dittrich re-elected as EQAR President
Karl Dittrich was re-elected as EQAR President at the General Assembly of 26 June for a second three-year term.
Karl was first elected, as the first ever EQAR President, in 2017 at the General Assembly in Gozo. During Karl’s first term there were several memorable happenings, such as EQAR’s 10th anniversary and the launch of the DEQAR database. As President, Karl presided over the Register Committee, the General Assembly and the Executive Board. Karl spoke at many international conferences and events and additionally had numerous bilateral meetings with stakeholders and members.
In 2018, following Karl’s request, the EQAR Executive Board agreed to organise an appraisal of the EQAR President’s position and performance, of which a report was presented at the 2019 General Assembly. The overall assessment of the introduction of the position of the EQAR President, as well as how Karl Dittrich approached the role, was very positive.
The Selection Committee for the EQAR President thus agreed to propose to the GA to re-elect Karl Dittrich and not to open a public call. They were pleased to learn of Karl’s willingness to stand for re-election, which paved the way for his second term.
Congratulations Karl, we are delighted to work with you for another 3 years!