DEQAR – Call for Proposals
The Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR) was established last year with the aim of collecting all external quality assurance reports and decisions performed by EQAR-registered agencies in line with the ESG, in order to make these available to various user groups.
As part of the further development of the database we would like to invite scholars, practitioners, and students to submit research proposals that draw on DEQAR data. Selected authors will be invited to present their work in a poster or paper session at the DEQAR Final Conference which will take place in Madrid on 7-8 October 2019.
The conference will also feature the key results of the DEQAR pilot studies (please see results of the first study published here). The event will further enable and support peer learning and exchange of experience among policy makers, stakeholders and researchers, and explore good practices in the use of the database e.g. recognition of degrees, mobility of students, portability of grants/loans.