Consultation on EQAR's policy on the Use and interpretation of the ESG (U&I)

Please note that the survey has been closed as of 13 March 2024.


(EQAR’s policy on the Use and interpretation of the ESG (U&I) was developed to enhance the clarity, transparency and consistency of the Register Committee’s judgment of the ESG. The U&I also serves as a reference point for quality assurance agencies preparing for an external review as well as external review coordinators and external review panel members.

The first version of the U&I was adopted in 2015, while the second version (in operation) was adopted in 2020. Having gained new insight from the consideration of over 50 new applications (since the last revision), the Register Committee has, at the end of 2023 proposed a set of revisions to the U&I to reflect the precedents in its decision making. A new and revised version of the U&I is expected to be launched mid-2024. Until then the current 2020 version will be used for all ongoing reviews.

In light of your experience in working with ESG Part 2 and ESG Part 3 we kindly ask for your assistance in commenting on the proposed changes to EQAR’s U&I by answering our Survey below (by 10 March 2024).

Please note that you may make suggestions on all or some standards, but we ask you to mainly focus on the proposed revisions (marked with [new] or [change]) within the current U&I.

We appreciate your feedback as it will help us revise and improve our policy.)