Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
17/12/2024 uploaded 22/01/2025 changed 22/01/2025NOKUT Evaluations of quality of educationNLA University College, Nord University, Oslo Metropolitan University, Østfold University College, Sámi University Of Applied Sicences, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Agder, University of Inland Norway, University of Southeast Norway, University of Stavanger, University of Tromso - Norway's Arctic University, Volda University College, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences - Primary and lower secondary teacher education for grades 1-7 and 5-10 (degree)Norway
20/01/2025 - 20/01/2043 uploaded 20/01/2025 changed 20/01/2025NOKUT Institutional accreditationBergen School of ArchitectureNorway
20/01/2025 - 20/01/2035 uploaded 20/01/2025NOKUT Institutional accreditationInland Norway University of Applied SciencesNorway
17/12/2024 - 17/05/2030 uploaded 17/12/2024 changed 17/12/2024NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesNoroff School of Technology and digital mediaNorway
17/12/2024 - 17/04/2030 uploaded 17/12/2024 changed 17/12/2024NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesUniversity college of Norwegian Correctional Service (KRUS)Norway
17/12/2024 - 17/04/2030 uploaded 17/12/2024 changed 17/12/2024NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesThe Norwegian Defence University CollegeNorway
17/12/2024 - 17/09/2029 uploaded 17/12/2024 changed 17/12/2024NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesQueen Maud University CollegeNorway
17/12/2024 - 17/05/2030 uploaded 17/12/2024NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesBergen School of ArchitectureNorway
17/12/2024 - 17/05/2030 uploaded 17/12/2024 changed 17/12/2024NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesAtlantis Medical CollegeNorway
14/06/2023 uploaded 28/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024NOKUT Institutional accreditationNorwegian School of Leadership and TheologyNorway
14/12/2023 uploaded 28/02/2024NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesOslo National Academy of the ArtsNorway
24/10/2023 uploaded 28/02/2024NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesOslo New University CollegeNorway
24/10/2023 uploaded 28/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesThe Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyNorway
24/10/2023 uploaded 28/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesUniversity of BergenNorway
24/10/2023 uploaded 28/02/2024NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesUniversity of OsloNorway
24/10/2023 uploaded 28/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesUniversity of Tromso - Norway's Arctic UniversityNorway
20/04/2023 uploaded 28/02/2024 changed 28/02/2024NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesNorwegian School of Leadership and TheologyNorway
26/10/2022 - 26/10/2031 uploaded 17/02/2023 changed 17/02/2023NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesThe Norwegian Police University CollegeNorway
26/10/2022 uploaded 17/02/2023 changed 17/02/2023NOKUT Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practicesNLA University CollegeNorway
20/10/2022 uploaded 20/10/2022 changed 20/10/2022NOKUT Evaluations of quality of educationInland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Nord University, Norwegian School of Theology, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Agder, University of Bergen, University of Oslo, University of Southeast Norway, University of Stavanger, University of Tromso - Norway's Arctic University - Integrated Secondary Teacher Education (degree)Norway