EQAR Members’ Dialogue in Berlin

The 2018 Members’ Dialogue was held in Berlin on 27-28 November, hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Lively discussions were held following presentations on:

  • “Realising the EHEA Goal of Automatic Recognition.”
  • “Taking Stock of the EHEA Key Commitments: Compliance with the ESG and limitations found within EHEA national frameworks.”

A retrospective on 10 years of EQAR, highlighted the many developments, changes and growth, not only in terms of registered agencies (3 in 2008 – 44 in 2018) but also in terms of governmental members (19 in 2008 – 40 in 2018) and staff (1 in 2008 – 4 in 2018).

Parallel sessions evolved around 3 topics:

  • The need for all QAAs in Europe to align their work to the ESG
  • Recognition
  • DEQAR (Database of External Quality Assurance Results)

In the “World CafĂ©” participants could dive into case studies of either Cross Border Quality Assurance or of the European Approach for QA of Joint programmes or learn more about the Student-run QA pools.

The event was closed by a fervent debate on how European policies and national agenda’s shape our systems in higher education and QA systems in particular.

To view presentations and photos of the event.