After numerous online meetings and workshops (the DEQAR CONNECT project started in March 2020), it was a great to finally have an in-person workshop and meet our project partners and other interested centers. The workshop, co-organised by CIMEA (Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence) took place in Rome on 23-24 May and was hosted by the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI).
During the workshop the ENIC-NARIC project partners (CIMEA, Nuffic, CNRED, CIEP) presented the different ways that they have (or have planned) the DEQAR integration, which DEQAR data to use in the recognition certificates, as well as the common dilemmas that faced them. Three additional ENIC-NARICs (SKVC, NAWA and QQI) also joined the workshop and presented their visions on using DEQAR data in their recognition workflows.
During the workshop, CNRED launched their web platform CNRED.DEQAR.link. This platform uses the data from the DEQAR database and gives the evaluating experts, but also the general public, the possibility to choose the categories of information displayed, to filter and search for the relevant information according to multiple criteria, to sort and compare the data, as well as to export reports in various formats with the identified information. Check it out here.
The hands-on workshop continued with a discussion on the technical aspects of the connection and if and how the API connection (Application Programming Interface that enables fast transfer of files) connection could be improved to serve the needs of the recognition centers.
By looking into the practicalities of the different centers’ technical systems and databases, participants were able to explore concrete solutions on how to match their data models with DEQAR’s and how to present DEQAR data in the recognition portals.
The workshop ended with a briefing on DEQAR data in the European Digital Credentials for Learning infrastructure (EDCI) and the automatic issuing of Verifiable Accreditation credentials based on the data available in DEQAR in the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI), followed by a discussion on future projects and activities on digitalisation of recognition workflows.
More about ENIC-NARIC integration here.
All about DEQAR synergies (including EDCI, EBSI and verifiable accreditation credentials) here.
Full names of the participating ENIC-NARICs:
- Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence- CIMEA (Italy)
- France Education International – CIEP (France)
- Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education – Nuffic (Netherlands)
- National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diploma – CNRED (Romania)
- Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange – NAWA (Poland)
- Quality and Qualifications Ireland – QQI (Ireland)
- Study Quality Education Center – SKVC (Lithuania)