First Agency Registered Based on ESG 2015

Register Committee members gathered in Lisbon on 5/6 June 2016 for their bi-annual meeting, hosted by the Lisbon School of Nursing (ESEL).

Since the adoption of the 2015 version of the ESG by ministers in Yerevan one year before, the Committee considered and approved the first application for inclusion on the Register based on the ESG 2015, by MusiQuE (Music Quality Enhancement). The Register now includes 43 quality assurance agencies.

Other topics discussed during the meeting were the eligibility process, questions of principle and the annual monitoring of registered agencies.

The Register Committee also received and considered a number of Substantive Change Reports. Registered agencies are expected to notify EQAR about changes to their legal form and status, amendments to their statutes and substantial changes in their process or methodology. Under the new Procedures for Applications, the Substantive Change Reports are also published in full.

The next Register Committee meeting will take place in the beginning of December. Review documents for initial applications must be submitted before 15 September. More about the application process.