Register Commitee meeting in Brussels
At the latest Register Committee (RC) meeting, which took place on the premises of the new EQAR office on 1-2 July, the Committee approved the following applications for renewal of registration on the Register:
- A3ES – Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education (Portugal)
A3ES reports in DEQAR - AHPGS – Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Sciences (Germany)
AHPGS reports in DEQAR - AQ Austria – Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria
AQ Austria reports in DEQAR - CTI – Engineering Degree Commission (France)
CTI reports in DEQAR - evalag – Evaluation Agency Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
evalag reports in DEQAR - QQI – Quality and Qualifications Ireland
QQI reports in DEQAR
The Register Committee also considered several eligibility applications and substantive change reports. The next Register Committee meeting will take place online on 9 and 11 October (two half days).
Don’t forget to check out the following RC relates features on our website:
- Publication of all Register Committee decisions
- Database of precedents, featuring various search/filter options and including relevant excerpts of RC decisions
- Key statistics on the application process and ESG compliance (make sure to scroll down to view all the different charts)