Outcomes online Register Committee meeting
Members of the Register Committee (RC) gathered online for the 44th Register Committee meeting on 9 and 11 October. The Register Committee discussed and took note of several change reports and eligibility applications and approved the following application for inclusion on the Register, finding the agency operating in substantial compliance with the ESG:
- ECAQA – The Eurasian Сentre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health care (Kazakhstan)
The RC also discussed the recently started ESG revision process and exchanged ideas on how to include the expertise and know-how of the RC. As an independent expert body responsible for maintaining the official register of quality assurance agencies that comply with the ESG, the RC was happy to contribute to the revision process by sharing their technical expertise.
Thus far, the EQAR Director represents EQAR in the ESG revision Steering Committee, but once the Drafting Committee starts its technical work it is expected that the RC representatives will also be consulted for their specific perspective on external quality assurance (ESG Part 2 and 3).
The next Register Committee meeting will take place online again, on 26 and 27 November.