Aleksandar Šušnjar starts today as new EQAR Director
Today is Aleksandar Šušnjar’s first day at EQAR. We all look forward to working with him and to introduce him to those members, stakeholders and partners that don’t know him yet.
Many of us have known Aleksandar for quite some time already, either through his work as member of the Register Committee, or as YUFE (European Universities Alliance) Institutional Coordinator, or through ESU, where he was a member of the QA Student Experts Pool, represented ESU in various bodies and groups related to quality assurance and conducted trainings on QA methodology.
Aleksandar has thus ample experience in higher education and quality assurance, ranging from facilitating automatic recognition, developing joint programmes and supporting the accreditation process, planning and conducting internal quality audits to piloting the European degree concept. Being a member of the EQAR Register Committee means of course that he is an expert in the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and the interpretation thereof.
Aleksandar reflects “This day marks a beginning of an important new chapter for me, and it feels great that at such a moment I already feel completely at home here! It is a huge pleasure to be surrounded by people who I know are dedicated and highly competent. Therefore, I am very excited to work with this team towards the future, contribute to the further development of the European Higher Education Area and help foster effective and relevant quality assurance in European higher education in general.”
President Stéphane Lauwick responded “Personally, and I think I can also speak for the rest of the EQAR team, I am very much looking forward to working with Aleksandar. Not only because of his in-depth knowledge on QA, the ESG and the other subject matters that EQAR is involved in, but also for his human qualities and his enthusiasm in joining the team.” Stéphane continued by thanking Annelies Traas for her work as interim Head of the Secretariat, adding “I’m sure all our members and stakeholders as well as EQAR’s staff enjoyed Annelies’ intelligent and effective approach to her mission.”