Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
13/04/2023 - 13/04/2031 uploaded 23/01/2024 changed 23/01/2024ZEvA Certification in tertiary educationBrunswick University of Technology - DigitalSkills@Work (degree)Germany
14/06/2024 - 13/06/2031 uploaded 17/07/2024 changed 17/07/2024FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsSultan Qaboos University - Bachelor of Law (degree)Oman
30/06/2024 - 29/06/2031 uploaded 19/10/2023 changed 19/10/2023FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsWittenborg University of Applied Sciences - Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) (degree)Netherlands
05/12/2023 - 01/04/2032 uploaded 23/01/2024ZEvA Certification in tertiary educationAcademy for Tonkunst Darmstadt - Künstlerisch-pädagogisches Zusatzfach (first cycle degree), Aufbaustudium Künstlerische Praxis (second cycle degree), Aufbaustudium Künstlerische und pädagogische Praxis (second cycle degree), Exzellenzstudium Künstlerische Praxis (third cycle degree)Germany
21/11/2023 - 01/04/2032 uploaded 23/01/2024 changed 23/01/2024ZEvA Certification in tertiary educationOsnabrück University of Applied Sciences - Weiterbildung European Research and Transfer Management (second cycle degree)Germany
06/03/2024 - 31/07/2032 uploaded 24/04/2024 changed 24/04/2024FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsFrankfurt School of Finance & Management-HfB (Priv. H) - Auditing (M.Sc.) (degree)Germany
14/06/2024 - 31/08/2032 uploaded 17/07/2024FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsPrivate Fachhochschule International School of Management, Dortmund - Psychology & Management (degree)Germany
14/06/2024 - 31/08/2032 uploaded 17/07/2024FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsPrivate Fachhochschule International School of Management, Dortmund - Management (degree)Germany