Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
16/11/2024 - 15/11/2029 uploaded 20/11/2024 changed 20/11/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationInternational University of Kyrgyzstan - Information systems and technologies (first cycle degree)Kyrgyzstan
16/11/2024 - 15/11/2029 uploaded 21/11/2024 changed 21/11/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationJoint-Stock Company "Academy of Logistics and Transport" - Automation and control (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
16/11/2024 - 15/11/2029 uploaded 21/11/2024 changed 21/11/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationJoint-Stock Company "Academy of Logistics and Transport" - Electrical power ingineering (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
16/11/2024 - 15/11/2029 uploaded 02/12/2024 changed 02/12/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationKazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay - Special pedagogy (IP) (first cycle degree)Kazakhstan
16/11/2024 - 15/11/2029 uploaded 02/12/2024 changed 02/12/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationKazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay - Special pedagogy: support of children with autism spectrum disorders (IP) (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan
16/11/2024 - 15/11/2029 uploaded 02/12/2024 changed 02/12/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationKazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay - Special pedagogy (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
16/11/2024 - 15/11/2029 uploaded 02/12/2024 changed 02/12/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationKazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay - Pedagogy and psychology (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
16/11/2024 - 15/11/2029 uploaded 02/12/2024 changed 02/12/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationKazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay - Preschool education and upbringing (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
16/11/2024 - 15/11/2029 uploaded 02/12/2024 changed 02/12/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationKazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay - Training of a practical psychologist (first cycle degree)Kazakhstan
16/11/2024 - 15/11/2029 uploaded 02/12/2024 changed 02/12/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationKazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay - Psychology of health with the basis of psychotherapy (second cycle degree)Kazakhstan
16/11/2024 - 15/11/2029 uploaded 02/12/2024 changed 02/12/2024IQAA Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher educationKazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay - Pedagogy and method of primary education (third cycle degree)Kazakhstan
23/11/2023 - 23/11/2029 uploaded 06/03/2024 changed 06/03/2024AQ Austria Notification of foreign degree programmes in AustriaCollegium Humanum Warsaw Management University - Bachelor in Management (first cycle degree)Austria, Poland
23/11/2023 - 23/11/2029 uploaded 06/03/2024 changed 06/03/2024AQ Austria Notification of foreign degree programmes in AustriaKoblenz University of Applied Sciences - Bildung & Erziehung + (dual) (first cycle degree)Austria, Germany
23/11/2023 - 23/11/2029 uploaded 06/03/2024 changed 06/03/2024AQ Austria Notification of foreign degree programmes in AustriaSRH Fernhochschule Riedlingen - Betriebswirtschaft (B.A.) (first cycle degree)Austria, Germany
23/11/2023 - 23/11/2029 uploaded 06/03/2024 changed 06/03/2024AQ Austria Notification of foreign degree programmes in AustriaSRH Fernhochschule Riedlingen - Psychologie (B.Sc.) (first cycle degree)Austria, Germany
23/11/2023 - 23/11/2029 uploaded 06/03/2024 changed 06/03/2024AQ Austria Notification of foreign degree programmes in AustriaSRH Fernhochschule Riedlingen - Psychologie (M.Sc.) (second cycle degree)Austria, Germany
23/11/2023 - 23/11/2029 uploaded 06/03/2024 changed 06/03/2024AQ Austria Notification of foreign degree programmes in AustriaSRH Fernhochschule Riedlingen - Soziale Arbeit (B.A.) (first cycle degree)Austria, Germany
23/11/2023 - 23/11/2029 uploaded 06/03/2024 changed 06/03/2024AQ Austria Notification of foreign degree programmes in AustriaSRH Fernhochschule Riedlingen - Wirtschaftspsychologie & Leadership (M.Sc.) (second cycle degree)Austria, Germany
23/11/2023 - 23/11/2029 uploaded 06/03/2024 changed 06/03/2024AQ Austria Notification of foreign degree programmes in AustriaSRH Fernhochschule Riedlingen - Wirtschaftspsychologie (B.Sc.) (first cycle degree)Austria, Germany
27/11/2024 - 26/11/2029 uploaded 18/12/2024 changed 18/12/2024FIBAA Programme accreditation according to FIBAA quality standardsHasanuddin University - Bachelor of Accounting (degree)Indonesia