Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
31/03/2022 - 31/03/2025 uploaded 13/01/2025 changed 13/01/2025HAKA Initial assessment and re-assesment of study programme groupsTheological Seminary - Theology and Society (second cycle degree, 120 ECTS)Estonia
02/07/2024 - 02/07/2031 uploaded 14/10/2024HAKA Institutional accreditation of higher education institutionsEstonian Academy of ArtsEstonia
25/04/2024 - 25/04/2031 uploaded 05/06/2024 changed 05/06/2024HAKA (contributing: MusiQuE) Institutional accreditation of higher education institutionsEstonian Academy of Music and TheatreEstonia
25/04/2024 - 25/04/2031 uploaded 23/05/2024MusiQuE (contributing: HAKA) Institutional accreditationEstonian Academy of Music and TheatreEstonia
29/06/2023 - 29/06/2026 uploaded 05/02/2024 changed 05/02/2024HAKA Institutional accreditation of higher education institutionsYerevan «Haybusak» UniversityArmenia
07/12/2023 - 07/12/2026 uploaded 05/02/2024 changed 05/02/2024HAKA Initial assessment and re-assesment of study programme groupsUniversity of Tartu - Medicine study programme group (second cycle degree)Estonia
05/06/2023 - 05/06/2026 uploaded 05/02/2024 changed 05/02/2024HAKA Initial assessment and re-assesment of study programme groupsTartu Health Care College - Health care study programme group (second cycle degree)Estonia
05/06/2023 - 31/12/2099 uploaded 05/02/2024 changed 05/02/2024HAKA Initial assessment and re-assesment of study programme groupsEstonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences - Informatics and information technology study programme group (first cycle degree)Estonia
24/01/2024 - 24/01/2031 uploaded 02/02/2024 changed 02/02/2024HAKA Institutional accreditation of higher education institutionsEstonian Aviation AcademyEstonia
29/06/2023 - 23/06/2030 uploaded 22/12/2023 changed 22/12/2023HAKA Institutional accreditation of higher education institutionsInstitute of Theology of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran ChurchEstonia
27/06/2022 - 31/12/2099 uploaded 27/04/2023 changed 27/04/2023HAKA Initial assessment and re-assesment of study programme groupsUniversity of Tartu - Social services study programme group, Bachelor level (first cycle degree)Estonia
26/05/2022 - 26/05/2025 uploaded 27/04/2023 changed 27/04/2023HAKA Initial assessment and re-assesment of study programme groupsUniversity of Tartu - Personal services study programme group, Bachelor's studies (degree)Estonia
26/05/2022 - 31/12/2099 uploaded 27/04/2023 changed 27/04/2023HAKA Initial assessment and re-assesment of study programme groupsTartu Health Care College - Healthcare study programme group, Radiography Master's programme (second cycle degree)Estonia
01/02/2023 - 01/02/2026 uploaded 05/04/2023 changed 05/04/2023HAKA Institutional accreditation of higher education institutionsPallas University of Applied SciencesEstonia
08/07/2022 - 08/07/2029 uploaded 23/08/2022 changed 23/08/2022HAKA Institutional accreditation of higher education institutionsUniversity of TartuEstonia
27/06/2022 - 27/06/2029 uploaded 23/08/2022HAKA Institutional accreditation of higher education institutionsEstonian University of Life SciencesEstonia
26/05/2021 uploaded 09/06/2022 changed 09/06/2022HAKA Initial assessment and re-assesment of study programme groupsEstonian Academy of Arts - Architecture and building study programme group (third cycle degree)Estonia
26/05/2022 - 26/05/2029 uploaded 09/06/2022 changed 09/06/2022HAKA Quality assessment of study programme groups in the first and second cycles of higher educationEstonian University of Life Sciences - Engineering, manufacturing and technology study programme group (first cycle degree), Engineering, manufacturing and technology study programme group (second cycle degree)Estonia
26/05/2022 - 26/05/2029 uploaded 09/06/2022 changed 09/06/2022HAKA Quality assessment of study programme groups in the first and second cycles of higher educationEstonian University of Life Sciences - Engineering, manufacturing and technology study programme group (first cycle degree), Engineering, manufacturing and technology study programme group (second cycle degree)Estonia
16/09/2021 - 16/09/2028 uploaded 25/04/2022 changed 25/04/2022HAKA Quality assessment of study programme groups in the first and second cycles of higher educationUniversity of Tartu - Healthcare study programme group (first cycle degree), Healthcare study programme group (second cycle degree)Estonia