Tallinn Health Care College
Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool
Basic information
- EE0009
- Erasmus: EE TALLINN12
- SCHAC: ttk.ee
- Erasmus-Charter: E10054590
- EU-PIC: 948830527
Erasmus Institution Code
Identifier assigned by the European Commission to higher education institutions participating in the Erasmus+ programme - data harvested from ETER/OrgRegSCHema for Academia
Internet domain (DNS)-based identifier of institutions, used in several European initiatives for data exchange in the education and research sector, e.g. Emrex - data acquired using the European University Foundation (EUF) HEI APIErasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE)
Application number related to the ECHE, required for higher education institutions participating in the Erasmus+ programme - data acquired using the European University Foundation (EUF) HEI APIParticipant Identification Code (PIC)
A PIC is assigned to legal entities participating in EU-funded programmes - data acquired using the European University Foundation (EUF) HEI API -
Provider typehigher education institution
Legal seat(s)Tallinn, Estonia
Former location(s)
Founding year1940
Closing year2020
QF-EHEA levelssecond cycle, first cycle
Previous names
- Tallinn Medical School (Tallinna Meditsiinikool) until 30/06/2005
- Tallinn Health College (Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool) until 30/06/2008
Historical relationships
- absorbed Kohtla-Järve Medical School in 2006
National External Quality Assurance Requirements
Quality assessment of study programme groups
Obligatory periodic assessment (every seven years) of all the study programme groups in which a higher education institution has been granted the right to conduct studies. -
Institutional accreditation
Once in every seven years higher education institutions must undergo institutional accreditation. -
Initial assessment of study programme groups
An educational institution is granted the right to conduct studies by the Government of the Republic of Estonia in a specific study programme group and in a specific academic cycle (professional higher education, bachelor degree studies, master degree studies, doctoral studies). This allows the HEI to issue state-recognised diplomas under all programmes contained in the corresponding study programme group. Before such right is granted, the study programme group must undergo initial assessment, which the Ministry of Education commissions from EKKA. - Further information on external quality assurance in Estonia
External Quality Assurance Reports and Decisions
Institutional level
DEQAR Report ID63674
TypeInstitutional accreditation of higher education institutions
Statuspart of obligatory EQA system
Formal decisionpositive
Valid until27/04/2027
Report and decision
Verifiable Credential
DEQAR Report ID63675
TypeInstitutional accreditation of higher education institutions
Statuspart of obligatory EQA system
Formal decisionpositive
Valid until21/02/2020
Report and decision
Verifiable Credential
Programme level
Levelsecond cycle
Programme typeFull recognised degree programme
DEQAR Report ID4195
TypeInitial assessment and re-assesment of study programme groups
Statuspart of obligatory EQA system
Formal decisionpositive with conditions or restrictions
Valid until31/12/2021
Report and decision
Verifiable Credential
Levelfirst cycle
Programme typeFull recognised degree programme
DEQAR Report ID3233
TypeQuality assessment of study programme groups in the first and second cycles of higher education
Statuspart of obligatory EQA system
Formal decisionpositive
Valid until11/11/2023
Report and decision
Verifiable Credential
Levelfirst cycle
Programme typeFull recognised degree programme
DEQAR Report ID3271
TypeQuality assessment of study programme groups in the first and second cycles of higher education
Statuspart of obligatory EQA system
Formal decisionpositive
Valid until11/11/2023
Report and decision
Verifiable Credential