Joint programmes that used the European Approach
The following list includes examples where the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes was used in practice to evaluate or accredit a joint programme.
The list is based on information that registered quality assurance agencies uploaded to the Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR). This page aims to be a useful reference for other higher education institutions and quality assurance agencies that plan to employ the European Approach. If you consider that any case is missing or incorrect, please contact us or the EQAR-registered agency that carried out the evaluation/accreditation procedure.
Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
22/05/2023 - 30/06/2029 uploaded 25/10/2023 changed 25/10/2023AQAS European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesUniversity of Münster, University of Twente - Public Governance across Borders (first cycle degree)Netherlands, Germany
06/04/2023 - 30/04/2029 uploaded 17/05/2023 changed 17/05/2023AQAS European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesUniversity of Flensburg, University of Málaga, University of Strasbourg - Transcultural European Studies: Languages, Cultures and Interactions (first cycle degree)France, Spain, Germany
30/06/2016 - 30/06/2022 uploaded 02/12/2019 changed 02/12/2019NVAO European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesStenden University of Applied Sciences, University College Absalon, University of Southeast Norway - International Teacher Education in Primary Schools (ITEps) (first cycle degree)Netherlands, Denmark, Norway
14/12/2023 - 14/12/2029 uploaded 23/01/2024 changed 23/01/2024AQU European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesPolitecnico di Torino, University of Gävle, University of Girona - Master in Innovative Manufacturing Systems (MIMS) (second cycle degree)Sweden, Italy, Spain
20/05/2022 - 19/03/2028 uploaded 30/03/2023 changed 30/03/2023AQ Austria European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesPalacký University, Olomouc, University of Salzburg, University of Southern Brittany - Copernicus Master in Digital Earth (second cycle degree)Austria, Czech Republic, France
31/01/2019 - 30/01/2025 uploaded 02/12/2019NVAO European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesLeuphana University of Lüneburg, Maastricht University, University of Valencia - Work and Organizational Psychology (second cycle degree)Netherlands, Spain, Germany
27/05/2024 - 31/05/2030 uploaded 11/07/2024 changed 11/07/2024AQAS European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesKU Leuven, Tallinn University of Technology, University of Münster - Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Public Sector Innovation and E-Governance (second cycle degree)Belgium (Flemish Community), Estonia, Germany
17/04/2023 - 31/03/2029 uploaded 23/01/2024 changed 23/01/2024ZEvA European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesHochschule Emden/Leer, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences - Maritime Operations (degree)Norway, Germany
30/01/2024 uploaded 01/04/2024 changed 01/04/2024ACSUCYL European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesHamburg University of Applied Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Turku University of Applied Sciences, University of Burgos, West University of Timişoara - Master Degree Programme in Computer Science for the Human-Centric and Sustainable Industry (EMaCS) (second cycle degree, 60 ECTS)Romania, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Germany
20/12/2022 uploaded 01/04/2024 changed 01/04/2024ACSUCYL European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesFederal University of Bahia, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, University of Burgos, University of Jaén - Master Degree Programme on the Integrated STEAM Education (MASTED) (second cycle degree, 60 ECTS)Brazil, Spain, Portugal